Providing you with
the Leading CRM
Services & Solutions

CRM Services
and Solutions

We provide extensive CRM services aimed at enhancing and automating customer relationship management within a company.

Our offerings encompass consulting, the implementation of a suitable platform or customized CRM development, integration with business software, migration to an improved environment, and other targeted initiatives.

Dotlogics excels at delivering robust CRMs and optimizing existing solutions through configuration, customization, migration, integration, and continuous maintenance.

Industry-focused CRM Solutions

  • Retail & eCommerce
  • Banking & Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Real Estate
  • Insurance
  • Automotive
  • Telecom
  • Logistics
  • And More!

CRM Areas of Expertise

We offer advisory support for your CRM journey, guiding you through software implementation and adoption while assisting in resolving emerging business challenges and technical issues.

  • Solution selection
  • Custom CRM development advisory
  • Implementation consulting
  • Modernization advisory
  • Migration assistance
  • Health audit and assistance with issue resolution

Our team is adept at conducting end-to-end CRM platform implementations, ensuring seamless integration into your business infrastructure, and delivering the expected value.

  • Deployment to the selected environment
  • CRM configuration and customization
  • Data migration
  • Integration with business software and third-party tools
  • User training and support

When off-the-shelf solutions don't meet your requirements, Dotlogics can develop custom CRM software with features, modules, and workflows tailored to your unique business needs and processes.

  • Requirements gathering and analysis
  • Project’s tech stack and timeline definition
  • Solution design and architecture creation
  • Database design and development
  • CRM implementation in the target environment
  • Integration through APIs or custom solutions
  • Testing and user acceptance
  • Knowledge transfer

We facilitate the connection of your CRM with crucial business software from your IT infrastructure, including ERP, marketing automation, accounting management tools, and social media platforms. This ensures seamless data exchange, providing a 360-degree view of your customers' activity, enhancing data accuracy, and streamlining manual workflows.

  • Integration planning and strategy creation
  • API configuration or custom development
  • Workflow and process integration
  • Data synchronization setup
  • Exception management and error handling
  • Optimization of integration’s performance

If you're considering a CRM switch, we assist in transferring data from legacy software to a new solution, ensuring no information loss or damage and no disruption to business processes.

  • Data assessment, selection, and cleansing
  • Data mapping
  • Target CRM preparation
  • Data extraction and import to the new system
  • Migration testing and validation

Our testing team rigorously examines your CRM solution for full functionality, intended operations, and identification of bugs, issues, security vulnerabilities, data duplicates, or workflow bottlenecks.

  • Testing planning
  • Testing environment setup
  • Data validation
  • Usability testing
  • Performance testing
  • Security testing
  • Integration testing

For long-term CRM system maintenance, you can enlist Dotogics' support team to keep it fully functional and up-to-date, swiftly address emerging issues, or modify it according to your evolving business needs.

  • CRM monitoring and administration
  • Regular health checks
  • Incident management and troubleshooting
  • System maintenance and upgrades
  • User training and assistance
  • System evolution

Our Key CRM Features

Custom Banking Software

Contact Management

This feature helps store all kinds of customer and lead data, including contact information, activities, and preferences, in an organized and searchable database for easy access and sharing across marketing or sales teams.

Custom Banking Software

Interaction Tracking

Using this functionality, sales and customer support agents can log all sorts of interactions, like emails, calls, chatbot messages, or support tickets, track interaction history, and get insights about customer engagement patterns.

Custom Banking Software

Lead and Opportunity Management

This feature helps sales team members identify and manage viable leads across the company’s sales and communication channels and then engage with them through relevant offers and personalized communication.

Custom Banking Software

Sales Pipeline and Forecasting

Due to this feature, companies can get an overview of their entire sales pipeline as well as the stages and statuses of each separate deal. Sales pipeline tracking is also a valuable source of sales performance analytics.

Custom Banking Software

Document Management

CRMs should also allow companies to gather, efficiently organize, and store documents related to customer interactions and sales processes, like proposals, contracts, invoices, or presentations, and enable easy access and sharing across the organization.

Custom Banking Software

Reporting and Analytics

The reporting feature is essential for processing customer, sales, and interaction data to get insights into the company’s operation, detect trends, and make data-driven decisions. Companies can also integrate artificial intelligence into their CRM to explore more complex patterns, detect hidden correlations, and get real-time insights.

Top CRM Software Partners


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