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Email campaigns are a critical piece of any successful web marketing strategy. Email’s accessible, it provides a direct line of communication to your users and customers, and it’s the preferred way to receive messaging from businesses for the vast majority of internet users who have email accounts (which is a few billion people!).
Knowing that you should be using email marketing and actually doing it, however, are two very different things. First you have to build up a list of email addresses to contact, then you have to design a compelling email campaign, after that you need to choose a platform through which to send your emails, and then you have to keep on top of it, all while avoiding common email marketing mistakes that might make people unsubscribe from your list.
If you’ve fallen behind in your email campaign, try not to fret too much. Sure, it’s best to maintain consistency so your subscribers can hear from you regularly and know what to expect when they see a message come in from your email address, but whatever damage may have been done is done. The important thing is to get back on the horse and ride forward into a new (and, this time, hopefully more consistent) marketing campaign. Those subscribers are still out there, so go win them back!
But how do you restart your marketing efforts after you’ve let your original email campaign go cold? Do you just pick up right where you left off? Do you forget about your old list and start targeting new subscribers exclusively? How do you reach out to people who haven’t heard from you in a long time without giving them a reason to unsubscribe?
Whether you got their email address from a previous sale, a special promotion on your site, an inquiry form they filled out, or they simply opted in to your newsletter, your subscribers once showed any interest in your business, so don’t assume that they no longer want to hear from you. Go ahead and keep your list.
So you’ve left your users out in the cold for awhile. Maybe it’s been a month, or several months; perhaps it’s even been a year since your last email. That long lapse in communication certainly isn’t good, but it’s not the end of the world either.
When you send your first email, reach back out to your subscribers in a friendly, personable way. Your subject line could be something along the lines of “Hello Again,” “It’s Been Awhile,” or “Remember Us?” Reminding users that they used to receive messages from you could prevent those who may have forgotten about you from reflexively marking your email as spam or unsubscribing.
This is your first email in a long time, so don’t overwhelm your subscribers with tons of banners, advertisements, sales, or product promotions. Write a sincere email, and keep it fairly plain (e.g. don’t include a lot of graphics or stylized fonts).
If your email list includes your users’ names you can personalize it by starting the body of the email with a “Hello [Name]” or “Hi [Name].” If not, you can still stay personal with a casual “Hi there,”
or simply “Hello.”
Your body should acknowledge that it’s been some time since your last email communication, and reassure your subscribers they will be hearing from you more regularly again. This may be a good time to highlight what your company has been up to since your last email, just remember to make things brief and not to sound too salesy by pushing products or services.
You don’t want to turn people off with a heavy handed sales email right off the bat, but you still want to reignite their interest in you. If you have posted any helpful guides, videos, blogs, or other resources your users might like, try linking to one or two of them here. If not, you can politely ask your subscribers to come check out your website again.
Remember, this is your reintroduction to these subscribers, so hold off on the product promotions and similar tactics, at least until your next email. You just want to re-familiarize them with your brand in this first email, leave the real advertising for later.
Now that you know how to reconnect with your old subscribers, get to work on your next email. Just be sure not to let your campaign go cold again!
Staying on top of all your marketing efforts is tough, but Dotlogics can help you make it easy. Contact us to learn how.
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