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In the first post in this two-part series, you learned about the importance of optimizing your content, on-page SEO, meta descriptions and URL slugs to help drive traffic to your website.
Picking up where we left off, let’s dive right into other vital best practices to focus on with a 10-point list must-dos for driving Web traffic using SEO.
Here it is:
Much more than ways to get from one place to another, links have a huge affect on SEO.
Things to do when tackling links:
When it comes to managing website pages, bad housekeeping can negatively impact SEO.
So, be sure to:
These important but often overlooked website factors can also have a big impact on site SEO.
When it comes to planning and executing an effective SEO strategy for your brand or business, optimizing your website requires paying ongoing attention to ever-changing tactics. Although this series provided a solid place to begin, to be continually effective, marketers and site owners must stay up to date on evolving SEO best practices to consistently grow their organic Web traffic.
Knowing where you stand on search engine optimization is vital. Dotlogics can perform a technical SEO audit to determine the effectiveness of your current website.
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